ロバート・H・シュラーの名言とその背景 (Robert H. Schuller’s Quotes and Their Background)


【Quote 名言】


“The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.”

“Think big, dream big, believe big, and the results will be big.”

“These are the keys to have a successful life.”

ロバート・H・シュラー (Robert H. Schuller)

【About the Quote】

Robert H. Schuller’s quotes are an inspiring reminder for us to believe in ourselves and our dreams. His powerful words encourage us to think and dream big, and to have faith that our dreams can become reality. According to Schuller, the only thing that can limit our dreams is our own thinking. This indicates the essential role of positive thinking in personal success and achievements.



【About the Icon】

Robert H. Schuller was an American Christian televangelist, pastor, motivational speaker, and author. He is best known for the televised Christian talk show The Hour of Power, broadcast from the Crystal Cathedral in California. He was one of the pioneers of televangelism and introduced a new style of religious programming.


ロバート・H・シュラーは、アメリカのテレビ伝道師、牧師、モチベーショナルスピーカー、著者でした。彼はカリフォルニア州のクリスタル大聖堂から放送したキリスト教系トークショー「The Hour of Power」で最もよく知られています。彼はテレビ伝道のパイオニアの一人で、新しいスタイルの宗教番組を紹介しました。

Robert H. Schuller(ロバート・H・シュラー)に関する書籍はこちら