サム・レヴェンソンの名言とその背景 (Sam Levenson’s Quotes and Their Background)


【Quote 名言】

〜For those who are ready to achieve something in life〜

“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.”

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.”

Sam Levenson (サム・レヴェンソン)

【About the Quote】

Sam Levenson’s quotes are an exemplary philosophy on the perspective towards time and opportunities in life. His wisdom teaches us the importance of not letting life pass us by, instead, urges us to seize every moment and make it count. He encourages us not to wait for the perfect moment, but to create it from what we have. Through his words, he inspires us to value time, to keep moving forward, and refrain from over contemplation and procrastination.



【About the Icon】

Sam Levenson, born in 1911, was an American humorist, writer, teacher, television host, and journalist. He initially started his career as a teacher in New York City but his vocation eventually led him to become a humorist and a television host. As a writer, he authored several books one of which is “In One Era & Out the Other” that portrays his life growing up as a son of poor Jewish immigrants in New York, and the struggles that came with it.


1911年生まれのサム・レヴェンソンは、アメリカのユーモラスな作家で、教師、テレビ司会者、ジャーナリストでした。彼は最初ニューヨーク市の教師としてキャリアをスタート、途中からジャーナリストそしてテレビ司会者へとキャリアを移しました。彼はユーモラスな作家としても知られ、いくつかの本を書いています。その中の一冊「In One Era & Out the Other」は、ニューヨークの貧しいユダヤ人移民の息子としての彼の成長と闘いを描いています。

【About the Story】

Sam Levenson’s journey, from a son of poor Jewish immigrants to a renowned humorist, symbolizes the validation of his own quotes. He had to push through the difficulties of life not waiting for perfect moments to come but by transforming every moment into an opportunity. His philosophies of life, including the two quotes discussed, were partly based on his life experiences.


サム・レヴェンソンの人生を見ると、貧しいユダヤ人移民の息子から有名なユーモリストへと昇進した彼の人生は、彼自身の名言の真価を証明しています。 完璧な瞬間を待つのではなく、すべての瞬間を機会に変えて生き抜く必要がありました。彼の人生哲学、特にこの2つの名言は、彼自身の人生経験に基づいています。

Sam Levenson (サム・レヴェンソン)に関する書籍はこちら
