ハンニバル・バルカの名言とその背景 (Hannibal Barca’s Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】

〜Keep pushing forward with determination〜

“We will either find a way, or make one.”

That’s the spirit we should have in pursuing our goals.

Even if we encounter obstacles, we shouldn’t give up but fight to overcome them.

Hannibal Barca (ハンニバル・バルカ)

【About the Quote】

Hannibal Barca’s words resonate with an indomitable spirit; a will to find or carve a pathway even when faced with numerous roadblocks. It’s a paradigm of perseverance, determination, and resilience. Encouraging us not to give up at the first sign of difficulty, but rather to keep going, to keep pushing forward, and to meet obstacles as challenges to be overcome rather than as barriers to progress.



【About the Icon】

Hannibal Barca was a general from Carthage considered one of the greatest military minds in history. He is probably best known for his audacious crossing of the Alps to attack the Roman Republic, a bold and unprecedented move that has earned him everlasting fame. Despite the odds stacked against him, Hannibal won many battles, demonstrating an extraordinary blend of tactical brilliance, unabated courage, and sheer determination.



【About the Story】

Lesser known about Hannibal is his magnanimous character. Despite the intensity of his conflicts with Rome, Hannibal was known to treat his prisoners with respect and often allowed them to return to their families. A man of his word, he made agreements that he kept. His loyalty to his soldiers and dedication to his home country were remarkable, showing a side to the general that went beyond the battlefield.


