アンブローズ・レッドムーンの名言とその背景 (Ambrose Redmoon’s Quotes and Their Background)


【Quote 名言】

〜Take the first step and face your fears〜

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.

Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.

Confront your fears, list them, get to know them, and only then will you be able to put them aside and move ahead.

Your fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if you explore them.

Ambrose Redmoon (アンブローズ・レッドムーン)

【About the Quote】

Ambrose Redmoon’s words provide a powerful perspective on courage and fear. He urges us not to deny our fears, but to acknowledge them, understand them, and then to prioritize something else above them. Fear, according to him, is only as deep as our mind lets it be. Once we confront and comprehend our fears, we are then free to put them aside and move forward. Furthermore, he suggests that exploring our fears can even lead us to a treasure of self-knowledge.



【About the Icon】

Ambrose Redmoon, born James Neil Hollingworth, was a long-time contributor for the renowned American countercultural magazine Gnosis. He is primarily known for his thought-provoking quote about courage, which continues to inspire people globally.



Ambrose Redmoon(アンブローズ・レッドムーン)に関する書籍はこちら


Introduction to Gnosis INTRO TO GNOSIS [ Samael Aun Weor ]
価格:1,633円(税込、送料無料) (2023/7/9時点)
