トーマス・メルトンの名言とその背景 (Thomas Merton’s Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】

〜Believe in Better Days Ahead〜

“Every moment and every event of every man’s life on earth plants something in his soul.”

“For just as the wind carries thousands of winged seeds, so each moment brings with it germs of spiritual vitality.”

“Every moment is a moment of creation, and each moment of creation contains infinite possibilities.”

“I may just be a minnow in the sea, but I am alive, and I am a living link in the great chain of existence.”

Thomas Merton (トーマス・メルトン)

【About the Quote】

Thomas Merton’s words tell us that every moment and every event we experience in life strongly impacts our soul and stimulates spiritual vitality. They explain that every instant is a moment of creation filled with endless opportunities. Through the example of being a small fish in the ocean that is a part of the great chain of existence, Merton reminds us of our significance in the vast universe.



【About the Icon】

Thomas Merton was a prominent writer, theologian, and Trappist monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky. He was an influential priest who published numerous books over his lifetime, with “The Seven Storey Mountain” being his best known work. Merton’s works had a vast impact on contemporary religious thinking.


トーマス・メルトンは著名な作家、神学者、そしてゲセマニ修道院のトラピスト修道士でした。 彼は生涯に数多くの本を発表した影響力のある司祭で,《七階層の山》が彼の最もよく知られた作品です。メルトンの作品は現代の宗教思想に大きな影響を与えました。

【About the Story】

Thomas Merton was not always a religious man. In fact, he had lived quite an unruly life until a pivotal moment in 1941, at the age of 26, when he converted to Roman Catholicism and decided to take the vows of a Trappist monk. He addressed this turnaround in his best-selling autobiography, “The Seven Storey Mountain,” which has since inspired millions around the world.


