エルバート・ハバードの名言とその背景 (Elbert Hubbard’s Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】

〜To those who are facing a big challenge〜

Know what you want, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, which may every day bring you closer to your goal.

Do not look back, no matter how long it takes or how weary you seem to get.

You are destined to succeed in proportion to your determination.

Elbert Hubbard (エルバート・ハバード)

【About the Quote】

Elbert Hubbard’s words here are profound wisdom, telling us that the key to achieving our goals lies within a firm and determined mindset. No matter how long it takes, or how tired we might appear, we must not look back – constantly moving forward towards our objectives. He reminds us that our success is directly proportional to our determination; reiterating that the stronger our determination, the more certain our success. His quotes encourage us to be persistent with our efforts, despite the difficulties or obstacles faced along the journey.


エルバート・ハバードのここに書かれた言葉は、深い知恵を伝えています。それは私たちの目標を達成する鍵が、固くて決心した心の中にあることを教えてくれます。どれだけ時間がかかったとしても、どれだけ疲れて見えても、後ろを振り返ってはならない – 常に目標に向かって前進し続ける必要があります。彼は、私たちの成功が決意に直接比例することを思い出させてくれます。つまり、決意が強ければ強いほど、成功は確実なものになると再度強調しています。彼の引用文は、途中で直面する困難や障害にもかかわらず、私たちが努力を持続することを励ましています。

【About the Icon】

Elbert Hubbard was an American author, publisher, and artist. He was also a philosopher and a vocal proponent of the Arts and Crafts Movement in the United States. Hubbard was a controversial figure, often taking unconventional stands on a variety of issues. Nevertheless, his works and philosophy made a significant contribution to American arts and literature. Elbert Hubbard was born in Illinois in 1856 and passed away in the RMS Lusitania’s sinking in 1915.



【About the Story】

Despite his controversial character, Hubbard led a positive life with his unique approach to art and literature. He was the founder of the Roycroft artisan community in East Aurora, New York, an enterprise which grew from a small print shop to an entire village. He was known for his wit, his flamboyant style, and above all, his encouraging and uplifting sentiments that were reflected in his writings.

