仏陀の名言とその背景 (Buddha’s Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】

〜Chasing your dreams, ignoring any hurdles〜

The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.

No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Make the moment perfect.

Buddha (仏陀)

【About the Quote】

Buddha’s words tell us that we should never be afraid to take a new step, embark on a new journey, or make a fresh start in life. The past might have been full of hardships, but it is always possible for us to start afresh. It is not worth waiting for an ideal moment to take action. We have the power to turn every moment into a perfect opportunity that can shape our lives.



【About the Icon】

Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, was the founder of Buddhism. He was born into a royal family around 560 B.C. in Lumbini, now located in modern-day Nepal. Despite his comfortable life, he was moved by the sufferings of mankind and at the age of 29, he left his home in search of enlightenment. After six years of searching, he finally reached enlightenment while meditating under a Bodhi tree.


仏陀とは、釈尊(シャカタクタガータ)とも呼ばれ、仏教の創始者です。彼は紀元前560年頃、現在のネパールにあたるルンビニに王族として生まれました。快適な生活を送っていたにも関わらず, 彼は人間の苦しみに心を動かされ, 29歳で開悟を求めて家を出ました。6年間の探求の後、彼は最終的に菩提樹の下で瞑想しているときに開悟に達しました。

【About the Story】

Buddha was a highly influential figure, known for his teachings on happiness, mindfulness, and enlightenment. However, not everyone knows about the obstacles he faced on his way to achieving enlightenment. He had to renounce his royal status and lead an ascetic life, enduring physical hardship and mental agony. But he never let these hardships deter him from his quest for enlightenment.


