クリスティアン・D・ラーソンの名言とその背景 (Christian D. Larson’s Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】

〜Never lose faith in yourself〜

Believe in yourself and all that you are.

Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

This alone can be the key to surviving the toughest circumstances with grace.

Christian D. Larson (クリスティアン・D・ラーソン)

【About the Quote】

The words of Christian D. Larson here offer a profound message of self-belief and inner strength. They invite us to recognize the inherent potential within ourselves and leverage it as our most powerful weapon against any hardships we encounter. The real victory, according to the quote, lies not only in overcoming the external obstacles but also in maintaining our inner peace and grace throughout these moments.



【About the Icon】

Christian D. Larson was a prominent American author and leader in the New Thought movement. He is known for his inspirational books that preach the philosophy of optimism, success, and personal development. His teachings have inspired many to harness the power of positive thinking, helping them to attain personal growth and ultimate happiness in life.



【About the Story】

Christian D. Larson was born in Iowa, USA, in 1874. From a young age, he showed an interest in spirituality and philosophical questions. In 1901, he published his best-selling book “Your Forces and How to Use Them”. The book was said to be a revelation, preaching the possibilities one can achieve by simply believing in oneself and thinking positively.

