エミール・クーエの名言とその背景 (Emile Coue’s Quotes and Their Background)

【Quote 名言】

〜Expect to make progress each day〜

Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.

Little by little, a little becomes a lot.

The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.

Believe in yourself and all that you are.

Emile Coue (エミール・クーエ)

【About the Quote】

Emile Coue’s quotes here are simple yet powerful. They tackle optimism, self-belief, perseverance, and growth. All facets of life require improvement, and Coue encourages us to believe that we are getting better each day in every possible way. The power of positive autosuggestion can transform our lives.



【About the Icon】

Emile Coue was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a method of psychotherapy and self-improvement in the early 20th century. He had a profound understanding of the human mind and used a method of optimistic autosuggestion, telling his patients to repeat “every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”



【About the Story】

Born in Troyes, France, Emile Coue’s father was a boat builder. As a child, Coue had a creative mind coupled with an imposing presence. He developed an interest in psychological matters through a friend who was a mesmerist. Later, he took a pharmacy degree and began experimenting with hypnotism and suggestion.

