ウェイン・グレツキーの名言とその背景(Wayne Gretzky’s Quotes and Their Background)


“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.”

“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.”

Wayne Gretzky (ウェイン・グレツキー)

【About the Quote】

Gretzky’s words remind us that we must be proactive, believe in our potential, and have the foresight to anticipate future possibilities. His philosophy not only applies to hockey but also to life, encouraging us to take chances and strive for success.



【About the Icon】

Wayne Gretzky, known as “The Great One”, is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player and former head coach. He is widely regarded as the greatest hockey player of all time, with numerous records in the National Hockey League (NHL). Gretzky’s skill, vision, and competitive spirit have left an indelible mark on the sport of hockey.

