
ウェイン・グレツキーの名言とその背景(Wayne Gretzky’s Quotes and Their Background)

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."「打たないショットは100%外れます。」"You must expect great things of yourself before you can...

モハメド・アリの名言とその背景(Muhammad Ali’s Quotes and Their Background)

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."「千里の道も一歩から始まる。」"Success usually comes to those who are too busy t...

ピーター・ドラッガーの名言とその背景(Peter Drucker’s Quotes and Their Background)

Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life.「あなたの時間は限られている、他人の人生を生きることに時間を浪費するな。」Remember no one can...

ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソンの名言とその背景(Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Quotes and Their Background)

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.「あなたがなる運命にある唯一の人物は、あなたがなると決めた人物だ。」We can compl...

アルベルト・シュバイツァーの名言とその背景(Albert Schweitzer’s Quotes and Their Background)

For those who need a spark of inspiration.インスピレーションが必要なあなたへ。Believe you can and you're halfway there.「自分ができると信じれば、それで半分成...

Confucius’ Quotes and Their Background(孔子の名言とその背景)

For those who are striving for their passion.情熱を追い求めているあなたへ。I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that...

Jimmy Dean’s Quotes and Their Background(ジミー・ディーンの名言とその背景)

For those who are beginning to chase their dreams.夢を追い始めたあなたへ。I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust...

ジョン・ウェスリーの名言とその背景(Quotes from John Wesley and their Background)

"For those who strive to make a difference.差をつけようと努力しているあなたへ。Do all the good you can, by all the means you can,「可能な限りの善行...

ウォルト・ディズニーの名言とその背景(Quotes from Walt Disney and their Background)

All our dreams can come true,「私たちの全ての夢は実現可能です、」if we have the courage to pursue them.「それを追い求める勇気さえあれば。」Walt Disney (ウォルト...

ヘンリー・フォードの名言とその背景(Quotes from Henry Ford and their Background)

Whether you think you can「あなたができると思うなら、」or you think you can't,「あなたができないと思うなら、」you're right.「あなたが正しい。」Henry Ford (ヘンリー・フ...