ウォルター・エリオットの名言とその背景 (Walter Elliot’s Quotes and Their Background)


【Quote 名言】

〜Never giving up and continuously pushing towards your goal〜

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.

“Remember this in everything you do. It’s not about the big leap, but small steps consistently,

Don’t lose your heart if the pace seems slow. You may not see the end yet, but as long as you keep going, you’re on your way.

Walter Elliot (ウォルター・エリオット)

【About the Quote】

Elliots words speak to the heart of every goal setter. His encouragement to never lose heart even when progress seems slow and to remember to stay persistent in walking your journey through consistent small steps resonates with many. His conception of perseverance not being a long race but series of short races reminds us that every effort matters, that each step taken however small brings us closer to our ultimate goal.



【About the Icon】

Walter Elliot was a prominent Scottish politician and writer, during the twentieth century. He first entered Parliament in 1918 and quickly ascended the ladder of politics. In his role as a politician, he was renowned for his commitment to public service and steadfast attitude. These traits often saw him entrusted with roles of great responsibility within the political chambers of the UK. Despite great political success, Elliot remained humble, firmly grounded by the belief in the importance of diligence and persistence, traits that are reflected in the quote provided.



Walter Elliot (ウォルター・エリオット)に関する書籍はこちら

スコットランド通史 政治・社会・文化 [ 木村 正俊 ]
価格:3,520円(税込、送料無料) (2023/7/14時点)